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Susan Schwartz is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker practicing in Torrance, California for over thirty years. She received her Masters of Social Work from UCLA in 1982, and subsequently completed a three-year Post-Graduate Fellowship in Family Therapy. During her years in practice, Ms. Schwartz has assisted individuals, couples and families through difficult times, helping with the many challenges that life often presents, throughout the individual and family lifecycle. 

Seeing how children get caught in the crossfire of their fighting parents before, during and after a divorce, has been of great interest to her.  As such, she has worked extensively with couples, helping them communicate in a more respectful and effective way with one another,  in order to avoid the perils of a divorce.  

When she learned about Collaborative Divorce, she saw it as a new and exciting way to make a difference in people’s lives. For over twenty years, Ms Schwartz has been a proud member of A Better Divorce, A Group of Collaborative Professionals and has helped many families through the tumultuous stress that often accompanies separation and divorce.  She also works with post-divorce couples as she helps them learn to leave the worst of their marriage behind and focus on what they have most in common, their children.